Content development across multiple media platforms; project management; corporate video production; end-user software training and curriculum development; corporate communicationsspecifics
Translating technical material into plain language; crafting website content; scripting and producing customer testimonial and promo videos; writing and editing newsletters (internal and external) and press releases; creating and delivering live presentations; writing user manuals; creating online training tutorials and interactive software demosclients.projects
Business Plan Development: Edited and rewrote two versions of company
Social Media Strategy: Developed recommendations for increasing the company’s online presence and brand recognition via social media platforms; educated senior management on how to use various platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), including automated tools, best practices, personnel requirements and the challenges of social media for a B2B organization.
Web Content Development: Created product descriptions and other content for corporate website developed to promote the new company and its offerings.
Client Support: Provided ongoing internal and external support services for multi-million dollar custom software development contract for a provider of background investigations and screening services; applications included location-based personnel tracking and management system and suite of handheld solutions for field investigators. Support services included:- Prototype Development: Parsed client specifications for Flash developer to create mobile software prototype; created interactive, online demo of prototype to present to client at each stage of development.
- End-User Training: Created and maintained interactive, online training courses covering all applications for client's field investigators; developed and conducted live end-user Webinars; worked with client's management to develop end-user workshop curricula.
- Customer Service Training: Developed and conducted live “Training the Trainer” Webinars for HSS help desk team providing support to client's end-users.
- Documentation: Created weekly “Smart Tips” delivered to users’ smartphones; wrote, edited and updated end-user manuals for all applications.
- Customer Communications: Developed PowerPoints, email announcements and other materials to support HSS’ communications with client.
Customer Testimonial Video Series: Produced HD video series featuring HSS customers discussing how they use HSS products to gain competitive advantage; conducted pre- and on-camera interviews, logged footage, scripted videos, and supervised editing and post-production; long-form video featured in HSS booth at industry trade shows and re-edited short-form versions featured on HSS website. NOTE: HSS was acquired by SanData Technologies, spring 2010; videos no longer present on website due to company name change; available on request.
Website Relaunch: Developed content for the new HSS website, including all text, videos, health care industry resources portal and other content; worked with site developer on content flow and user experience; supported lead project manager with communications to team members and project timelines
Training & Documentation, Global WOMPA/One*STAR Rollout: Worked
- Created and maintained online, interactive training courses for both applications, customized for end users in the Imaging Solutions, Cardiac Care and Ultrasound field service organizations across North America and Europe.
- Produced mobile solution “Help” videos designed to run on handheld devices.
- Developed and led live Webinar series for North American FSEs for initial rollout and subsequent releases.
- Wrote user manuals and “What’s New” guides for all releases.